
At the age of thirteen I started saving all of his money to purchase a Commodore VIC-20 computer. Perhaps to my benefit, I was unable to afford the games to go with it, so while camping on Oregon beaches I would sit on the sand looking at the ocean waves while writing code on paper to clone popular arcade games of the time. What started as BASIC computer games later turned to creating telecommunications software and custom bulletin board systems, the precursor to the internet. At the old age of fifteen I started a software company where I sold my software for the Commodore 64, 128 and later the Amiga in COMPUTE's! Gazette and Amiga World magazines. Those technology skills helped pay the bills in college at the University of Oregon where he split time between writing plays and computer programs.

After grabbing a degree, I moved to the Seattle area to spent five years assisting a not for profit mental health center manage Medicaid contracts (Prepaid Health Plan), develop data dictionaries to communicate with King County, supervising administrative staff, maintain a medical record system and manage their tech. In 1999 I exited the health care world to help an insurance broker on the Seattle Eastside move from broken Windows 3.1 workstations to winning multiple technology awards with the most integrated information system in the industry.

Occasionally I am lucky enough to re-enter the programming world, and I am the designer and programmer of a suite of employee workflow applications. This software connects directly to insurance management systems and allows single entry propagation of information for client support centers, expenses, CRM, pipeline, policy management, B.I. reporting and direct electronic marketing with carriers. The software is responsible for half of all employee workflow occurring within their walls of our clients.

Today I consult with organizations to assist in creating a happier workforce while making the organization more profitable and prepared for future growth. Whether it is evaluating technology, auditing, help desk, information management, workflows, disaster prep, training, strategic plans or options for corporate structure - every organization has potential enhancements and adjustments to gain productivity while preparing your technology and employee infrastructure for whatever the future may hold.

Contact me by email with any questions.